2003 Pirelli Calendar Sienna Miller 2024

Pirelli Calendar Girls 2003 by Bruce Weber (Pirelli Calendar)
Pirelli Calendar Girls 2003 by Bruce Weber (Pirelli Calendar) from models.com

The Background of the Pirelli Calendar

The Pirelli Calendar is an annual publication that features exclusive photographs of top models and actresses. The first calendar was published in 1964, and since then, it has become one of the most coveted fashion calendars in the world. The calendar’s limited availability and high quality have made it a collector’s item for many fashion enthusiasts.

Sienna Miller in the 2003 Pirelli Calendar

The 2003 Pirelli Calendar featured British actress Sienna Miller, who was still a relatively unknown name at that time. The calendar was shot by renowned photographer Bruce Weber and featured Miller posing in various locations in Miami. The shots were candid and captured Miller’s natural beauty and grace.

The Significance of the 2003 Pirelli Calendar

The 2003 Pirelli Calendar was significant in many ways. It marked the beginning of Sienna Miller’s rise to fame, and it also marked a shift in the Pirelli Calendar’s style. Prior to the 2003 calendar, the Pirelli Calendar was known for its overtly sexualized images of women. However, the 2003 calendar marked a departure from this style and featured a more natural and understated approach to beauty.

Interview with Sienna Miller

Q: What was your experience like shooting for the Pirelli Calendar?

A: It was an incredible experience. Bruce Weber is a legend in the industry, and I was honored to work with him. The shoot was relaxed and fun, and I think that comes across in the photos.

Q: What do you think made the 2003 Pirelli Calendar stand out from previous years?

A: I think the 2003 calendar marked a shift in the way that beauty was portrayed in the fashion industry. The photos were more natural and understated, which was a departure from the overtly sexualized images that had become synonymous with the Pirelli Calendar.

The Legacy of the 2003 Pirelli Calendar

The 2003 Pirelli Calendar has gone down in history as one of the most iconic editions of the calendar. It marked a shift in the way that beauty was portrayed in the fashion industry, and it helped to launch Sienna Miller’s career. The calendar’s influence can still be seen today in the way that women are portrayed in fashion media.


The 2003 Pirelli Calendar featuring Sienna Miller was a game-changer in the fashion industry. It marked a departure from the overtly sexualized images that had become synonymous with the Pirelli Calendar and helped to launch Miller’s career. The calendar’s influence can still be seen today, and it serves as a reminder of the power of natural beauty in a world that often values perfection above all else.

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