Add Weather To Apple Calendar 2024

Feature availability in the Weather app Apple Support
Feature availability in the Weather app Apple Support from

Add Weather to Apple Calendar 2024 – Tips and Tutorial


Apple Calendar is a great tool for organizing your schedule and keeping track of important events. However, did you know that you can also add weather information to your calendar? This can be incredibly useful for planning outdoor activities, travel, or just staying informed about the weather in your area. In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to add weather to your Apple Calendar in 2024.

Step 1: Enable Weather in Apple Calendar

The first step is to enable weather in Apple Calendar. To do this, open Calendar and go to Preferences. Click on the General tab and check the box next to “Show weather forecast in calendar”. This will enable weather information to be displayed for the current day and the next five days.

Step 2: Choose Your Location

Next, you’ll need to choose your location. By default, Apple Calendar will use your current location to display weather information. However, if you want to view weather for a different location, you can change it in the Weather section of Preferences. Simply enter the location you want to view and click “OK”.

Step 3: Customize Your Weather Display

Now that you have weather enabled and have chosen your location, you can customize how weather information is displayed in your calendar. In preferences, click on the Weather tab to access the customization options. Here, you can choose to display weather icons, temperature, and a brief description of the weather conditions for each day.

Step 4: Add Weather to Specific Events

If you want to add weather information to a specific event in your calendar, you can do so by editing the event and selecting the “Add Weather” checkbox. This will display the weather forecast for that day in the event details.

Question and Answer

Q: Can I add weather information to multiple locations in Apple Calendar?

A: Yes, you can add weather information for multiple locations in Apple Calendar. Simply follow the steps outlined above for each location you want to add.

Q: Will weather information be automatically updated in my calendar?

A: Yes, weather information in Apple Calendar is automatically updated every hour. However, you can manually refresh the weather information by clicking on the “Refresh” button in the Weather section of Preferences.

Q: Can I customize how many days of weather information are displayed?

A: Yes, you can customize how many days of weather information are displayed in Apple Calendar. In the Weather section of Preferences, simply choose the number of days you want to display under “Days of weather forecast”.


Adding weather information to your Apple Calendar can be incredibly useful for planning your schedule. By following the steps outlined in this tutorial, you can easily enable weather information, choose your location, customize how weather is displayed, and even add weather information to specific events. We hope this tutorial has been helpful and that you enjoy using weather in your Apple Calendar in 2024!

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