Advent Calendar Activities For Toddlers 2024

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Are you looking for fun activities to do with your toddler during the holiday season? Look no further than an advent calendar! Advent calendars are a great way to count down to Christmas while engaging in fun and educational activities with your little one. Here are some ideas for advent calendar activities for toddlers in 2024.

The Benefits of Advent Calendar Activities

Advent calendar activities can provide numerous benefits for your toddler. First and foremost, they are a great way to spend quality time together and create lasting memories. Additionally, advent calendars can help toddlers learn about the holiday season and the traditions associated with it. They can also help with fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination, and cognitive development.

Activity Ideas

1. Christmas Crafts

Create a Christmas-themed craft each day leading up to the holiday. Ideas can include making paper snowflakes, decorating ornaments, or creating a holiday wreath.

2. Cookie Decorating

Bake sugar cookies and let your toddler decorate them with icing and sprinkles. This activity not only allows for creativity but also helps with hand-eye coordination.

3. Holiday Books

Wrap up a different holiday book each day and read them together. This is a great way to introduce your toddler to new stories and characters while also promoting reading skills.

4. Sensory Bins

Create sensory bins with holiday-themed items such as jingle bells, pine cones, and tinsel. This activity can help with sensory development and exploration.

5. Christmas Movies

Watch a different Christmas movie each day leading up to the holiday. This is a great way to spend time together and introduce your toddler to holiday classics.

Question and Answer

Q: Can Advent Calendar Activities be Educational?

Yes! Advent calendar activities can be very educational. They can help with cognitive development, fine motor skills, and hand-eye coordination. Additionally, activities such as reading holiday books can promote literacy skills.

Q: What If My Toddler Loses Interest in the Activity?

If your toddler loses interest in an activity, don’t worry! Simply move on to the next one. The beauty of an advent calendar is that there are multiple activities to choose from, allowing for flexibility and variety.


Advent calendar activities for toddlers can be a fun and educational way to celebrate the holiday season. From crafting to sensory play to reading holiday books, there are many ways to engage with your little one and create lasting memories. Give these ideas a try in 2024 and enjoy the holiday season with your toddler!

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