Asana Google Calendar Not Syncing 2024

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Asana Latest News Due Times, Attachment View and Android from


Asana and Google Calendar are popular tools used by many people for their task and schedule management. However, sometimes, these tools may not work together seamlessly. This article will discuss the issue of Asana Google Calendar not syncing in 2024 and provide solutions to fix it.

Why Asana Google Calendar Not Syncing?

There are several reasons why Asana Google Calendar may not sync in 2024. One of the main reasons is the outdated version of either Asana or Google Calendar. Another reason could be the incorrect settings of the sync feature. Sometimes, the issue might arise due to the internet connection or technical glitches.

How to Fix Asana Google Calendar Not Syncing?

Update the Versions

If you are experiencing the issue of Asana Google Calendar not syncing, the first thing you should do is update both Asana and Google Calendar to the latest versions. This will ensure that both tools are compatible with each other and will work seamlessly.

Check the Settings

It is essential to check the settings of the sync feature. Make sure that the calendar you want to sync is selected in Asana and that the sync is turned on. Similarly, check the settings of Google Calendar to ensure that it is synced with Asana.

Reset the Sync

If the above solutions do not work, you can try resetting the sync feature. To do this, turn off the sync in both Asana and Google Calendar, and then turn it back on after a few minutes. This will refresh the sync and may fix the issue.

Check the Internet Connection

Often, the issue of Asana Google Calendar not syncing may arise due to poor or no internet connection. Make sure that your internet is working correctly and try syncing again.

Question and Answer

Q. How do I check if Asana and Google Calendar are updated to the latest versions?

A. To check if Asana is updated, go to the settings and click on the “About” option. On the right side, you will see the version number. To check if Google Calendar is updated, go to the settings and click on the “Help” option. Here, you will see the version number.

Q. How do I turn on the sync feature in Asana and Google Calendar?

A. To turn on the sync feature in Asana, go to the project you want to sync and click on the “Sync to Calendar” option. Then, select the calendar you want to sync. To turn on the sync feature in Google Calendar, go to the settings and click on the “Calendars” option. Here, you will see the option to sync with other calendars.

Q. What should I do if none of the solutions work?

A. If none of the solutions work, you can try contacting the support team of Asana or Google Calendar. They will assist you in resolving the issue.


Asana and Google Calendar are powerful tools that can make your life easier. However, when they do not sync, it can lead to confusion and missed deadlines. By following the solutions mentioned above, you can fix the issue of Asana Google Calendar not syncing in 2024 and ensure that both tools work seamlessly together.

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