Calendar That Sends Text Messages 2024

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Have you ever missed an important event, meeting, or deadline because you forgot to check your calendar? Or worse, have you ever lost track of time and missed an appointment altogether? If you answered yes to either of these questions, then you need a calendar that sends text messages. In 2024, there are several options available that can help you stay organized and on top of your schedule. In this article, we’ll review some of the best options and answer some common questions about using a calendar that sends text messages.

What Is a Calendar That Sends Text Messages?

A calendar that sends text messages is a digital calendar that can send reminders, updates, and notifications directly to your phone via text message. This can be especially helpful for people who are always on the go and may not have time to check their calendar regularly. With a calendar that sends text messages, you can receive reminders about upcoming events, appointments, and deadlines, as well as updates about changes to your schedule.

How Does a Calendar That Sends Text Messages Work?

There are several different types of calendars that send text messages, but most work in a similar way. First, you will need to choose a calendar app or program that has text messaging capabilities. Once you have set up the calendar and entered your events, you can choose to receive text message reminders for specific events or for your entire schedule. Some calendars may also allow you to customize the message you receive, such as including the location or time of the event.

Benefits of a Calendar That Sends Text Messages

There are several benefits to using a calendar that sends text messages:

  • Always stay on top of your schedule, even if you don’t have access to your calendar app or computer
  • Receive reminders and updates directly to your phone, so you don’t miss important events or deadlines
  • Customize the messages you receive to include relevant information, such as the location or time of the event
  • Reduce stress and anxiety by staying organized and on top of your schedule

Top Calendar Apps That Send Text Messages

Here are some of the top calendar apps that send text messages:

  1. Google Calendar: This popular calendar app allows you to receive text message reminders for all of your events, or for specific events that you choose. You can also customize the message you receive to include the time, location, and description of the event.
  2. Outlook Calendar: This calendar app from Microsoft also allows you to receive text message reminders for your events. You can choose to receive reminders for all events, or for specific events that you select. You can also customize the message you receive to include relevant information about the event.
  3. Apple Calendar: If you have an iPhone, you can use the built-in calendar app to receive text message reminders for your events. You can choose to receive reminders for all events, or for specific events that you select. You can also customize the message you receive to include relevant information about the event.


Q: Do I need a special phone or plan to receive text message reminders from my calendar?

A: No, you do not need a special phone or plan to receive text message reminders from your calendar. As long as your phone can receive text messages, you should be able to receive reminders from your calendar.

Q: Can I turn off text message reminders for specific events?

A: Yes, most calendar apps that send text messages allow you to turn off reminders for specific events. This can be helpful if you don’t want to receive reminders for certain events, such as recurring meetings or appointments.

Q: Is it safe to receive text message reminders from my calendar?

A: Yes, receiving text message reminders from your calendar is safe. However, you should always make sure that your calendar app and phone are secure, and that you are not sharing sensitive information via text message.

Q: What if I don’t want to receive text message reminders?

A: If you don’t want to receive text message reminders, you can usually turn off this feature in your calendar app settings. You can still use the calendar app to keep track of your schedule, but you won’t receive text message notifications.


A calendar that sends text messages can be a helpful tool for staying organized and on top of your schedule. With several options available in 2024, you can choose the calendar app that works best for you and customize the messages you receive to include relevant information. Whether you’re a busy professional, a student, or just someone who wants to stay organized, a calendar that sends text messages can help you stay on track and reduce stress and anxiety.

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