Connecting Notion To Google Calendar 2024

2024 Calendar Templates and Images
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If you are a professional who works with many tasks and appointments, you probably know how important it is to keep everything organized and in one place. Notion and Google Calendar are two great tools that can help you with that. In this article, we will show you how to connect Notion to Google Calendar, so you can have all your tasks and appointments in one place.

What is Notion?

Notion is a productivity tool that allows you to organize your life and work. It is a great tool for note-taking, task management, and project management. Notion is also highly customizable, so you can tailor it to your needs.

What is Google Calendar?

Google Calendar is a web-based calendar that allows you to keep track of your appointments, meetings, and events. It is also highly customizable, so you can customize it to your needs.

Connecting Notion to Google Calendar

Connecting Notion to Google Calendar is easy. Here are the steps:

Step 1: Create a Google Calendar API Key

To connect Notion to Google Calendar, you need to create a Google Calendar API key. Here are the steps:

  • Go to the Google Cloud Console
  • Create a new project
  • Enable the Google Calendar API
  • Create a new API key

Step 2: Link Notion to Google Calendar

Once you have created a Google Calendar API key, you need to link Notion to Google Calendar. Here are the steps:

  • Go to your Notion workspace
  • Select the page where you want to add the calendar
  • Select the “Embed” option
  • Paste the Google Calendar embed code
  • Save the changes

Benefits of Connecting Notion to Google Calendar

Connecting Notion to Google Calendar has many benefits. Here are some of them:

  • You can have all your tasks and appointments in one place
  • You can customize your calendar to your needs
  • You can easily manage your tasks and appointments
  • You can share your calendar with others

Question and Answer

Q: Can I connect Notion to multiple Google Calendars?

A: Yes, you can connect Notion to multiple Google Calendars. You just need to create a new API key for each calendar.

Q: Can I edit my Google Calendar from Notion?

A: No, you cannot edit your Google Calendar from Notion. You can only view your calendar in Notion.

Q: Can I customize my Google Calendar in Notion?

A: No, you cannot customize your Google Calendar in Notion. You need to customize your calendar in Google Calendar.


Connecting Notion to Google Calendar is a great way to keep all your tasks and appointments in one place. It is easy to do, and it has many benefits. We hope this article has been helpful in showing you how to connect Notion to Google Calendar.

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