Google Calendar Change Meeting Owner 2024

How To Transfer Ownership Of Google Calendar And Calendar Events
How To Transfer Ownership Of Google Calendar And Calendar Events from

Google Calendar has long been a popular tool for scheduling meetings and events. However, starting in 2024, there will be a significant change to how meeting ownership is handled. This change has been in the works for some time, and it’s important for users to understand how it will impact their workflows. In this article, we’ll explore the upcoming change and what it means for Google Calendar users.

Why is Google Changing Meeting Ownership?

Google is changing meeting ownership to improve collaboration and streamline workflows. Currently, when a meeting is created, the person who creates it is listed as the owner. This can cause issues when ownership needs to be transferred to someone else. For example, if the original owner leaves the company or is unavailable, it can be difficult to update the meeting without their involvement. The new system will allow for more flexibility in ownership and simplify the process of transferring ownership.

How Will Meeting Ownership Work in 2024?

Starting in 2024, meeting ownership will be separate from the person who creates the meeting. Instead, meetings will have a designated “owner” who can manage the meeting, even if they did not create it. The owner can add or remove attendees, change the time or location of the meeting, and make other changes as needed. This will make it easier to manage meetings, even if the original creator is unavailable.

What Does This Mean for Google Calendar Users?

For most Google Calendar users, the change will be seamless. Meetings will still be created in the same way, and attendees will still receive invitations. The only difference is that the meeting owner may not be the person who created the meeting. This change will primarily impact users who frequently transfer ownership of meetings, such as project managers or team leads.

How Will This Impact Collaborative Workflows?

The new system will make it easier for teams to collaborate on meetings and events. Instead of relying on a single person to manage a meeting, ownership can be transferred as needed. This will allow for more flexibility and better communication between team members. Additionally, the new system will make it easier to manage meetings when team members leave or change roles.

Question and Answer

Q: Will I be able to see who the meeting owner is?

A: Yes, the meeting owner will be visible in the meeting details. This will allow attendees to know who to contact if they have any questions or concerns about the meeting.

Q: Will this change impact recurring meetings?

A: Yes, recurring meetings will also have a designated owner. This will make it easier to manage recurring meetings, even if the original creator is unavailable.

Q: Will this impact third-party calendar integrations?

A: It may impact some third-party calendar integrations. However, Google is working to ensure that the change will not cause any major disruptions for users.


The upcoming change to meeting ownership in Google Calendar is designed to improve collaboration and streamline workflows. While it may impact some users who frequently transfer ownership of meetings, most users will not notice any significant changes. The new system will make it easier to manage meetings, even when team members are unavailable, and improve communication between team members.

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