Gregorian Calendar Vs Ethiopian Calendar 2024

Ethiopian Calendar (แ‰€แŠ• แˆ˜แ‰แŒ แˆชแ‹ซ) APK for Android Download
Ethiopian Calendar (แ‰€แŠ• แˆ˜แ‰แŒ แˆชแ‹ซ) APK for Android Download from

The Basics of Gregorian and Ethiopian Calendars

The Gregorian calendar, named after Pope Gregory XIII, is a solar calendar used in most of the world. It has 365 days in a year and 366 days in a leap year, with months varying between 28 and 31 days.

On the other hand, the Ethiopian calendar, also known as the Ge’ez calendar, is a lunar calendar used mainly in Ethiopia and Eritrea. It has 13 months, with 12 months having 30 days each and the last month having 5 or 6 days, depending on whether it’s a leap year or not.

What Are the Differences?

One of the main differences between the Gregorian and Ethiopian calendars is the number of days in a year. While the Gregorian calendar has 365 or 366 days, the Ethiopian calendar has 365 days in a common year and 366 days in a leap year.

Another difference is the way leap years are calculated. In the Gregorian calendar, a leap year occurs every 4 years, except for years that are divisible by 100 but not by 400. In the Ethiopian calendar, a leap year occurs every 4 years, without exception.

Moreover, the Ethiopian calendar is about 7 years and 8 months behind the Gregorian calendar. For example, in 2024, the Ethiopian calendar will be in the year 2016.

What Are the Similarities?

Despite the differences, the Gregorian and Ethiopian calendars share some similarities. Both calendars have 12 months, and both start their year in September.

Moreover, both calendars have important religious celebrations. For example, Christmas is celebrated on December 25 in the Gregorian calendar and on January 7 in the Ethiopian calendar.

Why Do the Differences Matter?

The differences between the Gregorian and Ethiopian calendars can cause confusion in international business and travel. For example, if you’re planning a trip to Ethiopia in 2024, you need to be aware that the dates will be different than what you’re used to. This can affect your travel arrangements and schedule.

Moreover, the differences can also affect the way businesses operate. For example, if you’re a company that does business with Ethiopia, you need to be aware of the differences in the calendar to avoid miscommunication and missed deadlines.

Question and Answer

Q: Why does Ethiopia use a different calendar?

A: Ethiopia uses a different calendar because of its Christian Orthodox heritage. The Ethiopian Orthodox Church follows the Julian calendar, which is the predecessor of the Gregorian calendar. However, the Ethiopian calendar has some modifications to align with the solar year.

Q: How do Ethiopians celebrate New Year?

A: Ethiopians celebrate New Year, known as Enkutatash, on September 11 in the Gregorian calendar. It’s a time for family gatherings, feasts, and gift-giving. People dress in traditional clothing and sing and dance to celebrate the end of the rainy season and the start of a new year.

Q: Is there a movement to adopt the Gregorian calendar in Ethiopia?

A: There is no significant movement to adopt the Gregorian calendar in Ethiopia. The Ethiopian calendar is deeply rooted in the country’s culture and traditions, and changing it would be difficult. Moreover, the Ethiopian government has stated that it has no intention of changing the calendar.


The Gregorian and Ethiopian calendars are both important calendars used around the world. While they have some similarities, they also have significant differences that can affect international business and travel. Understanding these differences is crucial for anyone doing business with Ethiopia or traveling to the country.

Moreover, the Ethiopian calendar is an important part of the country’s culture and traditions, and it’s unlikely to change in the near future. As such, it’s important to respect and appreciate the Ethiopian calendar, as well as other calendars around the world.

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