How To Add An Add To Calendar Link In Email 2024

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Special Dates Adding to your Calendar & Sending Email Moxi Works from

How to Add an Add to Calendar Link in Email 2024

Email marketing is an effective way to reach out to your target audience. It allows you to connect with your subscribers and promote your products or services. One way to make your email campaigns even more effective is by adding an “Add to Calendar” link. This allows your subscribers to easily add your event to their calendar without any hassle. In this article, we will guide you on how to add an Add to Calendar link in email in 2024.

What is an Add to Calendar Link?

An Add to Calendar link is a clickable button that allows users to quickly add an event to their calendar. It saves them the hassle of manually adding the event details to their calendar. By clicking the Add to Calendar link, the user can choose which calendar they want to add the event to and the details will be automatically added to their calendar.

Why Should You Add an Add to Calendar Link in Your Emails?

Adding an Add to Calendar link in your emails can help increase the attendance of your events. It makes it easy for your subscribers to add the event to their calendar and they are less likely to forget about it. It also saves them time as they don’t have to manually add the event details to their calendar.

How to Add an Add to Calendar Link in Email?

Now that you know the benefits of adding an Add to Calendar link in your emails, let’s take a look at how to add it.

Step 1: Choose an Add to Calendar Tool

There are many tools available online that allow you to create an Add to Calendar link. Some popular tools include AddEvent, Calendly, and Eventbrite. Choose the tool that suits your needs and create an account.

Step 2: Create Your Event

Once you have created your account, create your event. Add all the necessary details such as the event title, date, time, and location.

Step 3: Generate the Add to Calendar Link

After creating your event, generate the Add to Calendar link. Copy the link and save it to your clipboard.

Step 4: Add the Add to Calendar Link to Your Email

Now it’s time to add the Add to Calendar link to your email. Open your email editor and create a button with the text “Add to Calendar”. Add the link that you copied in step 3 to the button.


Q: Do I need to have a paid account to use Add to Calendar tools?

A: No, most Add to Calendar tools have a free plan that allows you to create events and generate Add to Calendar links. However, some tools may have limitations on the number of events you can create or the features available on the free plan.

Q: Can I customize the Add to Calendar button?

A: Yes, most Add to Calendar tools allow you to customize the button text, color, and style to match your brand.

Q: Can I track how many people have clicked on the Add to Calendar link?

A: Yes, some Add to Calendar tools have analytics features that allow you to track how many people have clicked on the Add to Calendar link.

Adding an Add to Calendar link in your emails can help increase the attendance of your events. It’s a simple and effective way to remind your subscribers about your upcoming events. Follow the steps outlined in this article to add an Add to Calendar link to your emails in 2024!

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