How To Add Holidays To Outlook Calendar Office 365 2024

Wie füge ich Feiertage zu Standard / Zweit / öffentlichen Kalendern
Wie füge ich Feiertage zu Standard / Zweit / öffentlichen Kalendern from

How to Add Holidays to Outlook Calendar Office 365 2024


Outlook Calendar is one of the most popular calendar applications used by professionals. It is a great tool to help you manage your schedule and stay organized. One of the many features of Outlook Calendar is the ability to add holidays to your calendar. This article will guide you through the process of adding holidays to your Outlook Calendar Office 365 2024.

Step 1: Open Your Outlook Calendar

The first step to adding holidays to your Outlook Calendar is to open the application. You can do this by clicking on the Calendar icon in your Outlook Dashboard or by selecting “Calendar” from the navigation menu.

Step 2: Click on “Add Calendar”

Next, click on the “Add Calendar” button located in the top left corner of the screen. This will open a dropdown menu with different options.

Step 3: Select “From Holidays…”

From the dropdown menu, select “From Holidays…”. This will open a new window with a list of different countries and holidays.

Step 4: Select Your Country and Holidays

Select your country from the list and choose the holidays you want to add to your calendar. You can select all the holidays or just the ones that are relevant to you. Once you have made your selections, click “OK”.

Step 5: Review Your Calendar

Your selected holidays will now be added to your Outlook Calendar. You can review them by clicking on the “Holidays” option in the calendar view. You can also customize the colors and reminders for each holiday by right-clicking on the holiday and selecting “Edit”.

Question and Answer

Q: Can I add holidays for multiple countries?

A: Yes, you can add holidays for multiple countries. Simply repeat the steps above for each country you want to add.

Q: Can I remove holidays from my calendar?

A: Yes, you can remove holidays from your calendar. Simply click on the holiday you want to remove and select “Delete”.

Q: Can I add my own events to the calendar?

A: Yes, you can add your own events to the calendar. Simply click on the date and time you want to add the event and enter the details.


Adding holidays to your Outlook Calendar is a simple process that can help you stay organized and on top of your schedule. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can easily add holidays to your Outlook Calendar Office 365 2024. If you have any questions or need further assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out to Microsoft support.

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