How To Do A Calendar Fundraiser 2024

2024 Calendar Templates and Images
2024 Calendar Templates and Images from


If you’re looking for a creative way to raise funds for your organization, a calendar fundraiser could be the perfect solution. Not only do they provide a practical item that people can use throughout the year, but they also offer an opportunity to showcase your organization’s mission and values. In this article, we’ll go over the steps to planning and executing a successful calendar fundraiser in 2024.

What is a Calendar Fundraiser?

A calendar fundraiser is an event where an organization creates and sells a calendar to raise money. These calendars typically feature pictures and information related to the organization’s mission. The calendars can be sold throughout the year and are often used as a way to promote the organization and its cause.

Why Do a Calendar Fundraiser?

A calendar fundraiser can be a great way to raise funds for your organization. They are relatively easy to create and can be sold to a wide audience. Additionally, they provide a way to showcase your organization and its mission throughout the year.

Steps to Planning a Calendar Fundraiser

Step 1: Determine Your Goals

Before you start planning your calendar fundraiser, you need to determine your goals. How much money do you want to raise? Who is your target audience? What message do you want to communicate through your calendar? Once you have a clear idea of your goals, you can start planning the details.

Step 2: Choose a Theme

Your calendar should have a theme that is related to your organization’s mission. For example, if you’re raising funds for an animal shelter, your calendar could feature pictures of animals that have been rescued. The theme should be consistent throughout the calendar and should be reflected in the pictures and text.

Step 3: Gather Photos and Information

Once you have chosen a theme, you need to gather photos and information related to your organization’s mission. This could include pictures of your organization in action, testimonials from people who have been helped by your organization, and information about your programs and services.

Step 4: Design Your Calendar

Once you have all of your photos and information, you can start designing your calendar. There are many online tools that can help you create a professional-looking calendar. Make sure to include your organization’s logo and contact information.

Step 5: Print Your Calendar

Once you have designed your calendar, you need to have it printed. There are many online printing services that can print your calendar for a reasonable price. Make sure to order enough calendars to meet your fundraising goals.

Steps to Executing a Calendar Fundraiser

Step 6: Set Your Price

Before you start selling your calendars, you need to determine the price. Make sure to factor in the cost of printing and any other expenses related to the fundraiser. You want to make sure that you are making a profit while still offering a reasonable price.

Step 7: Promote Your Calendar

Once you have your calendars, you need to promote them. Use social media, email, and other marketing channels to get the word out about your fundraiser. Make sure to highlight the benefits of your calendar and how it supports your organization’s mission.

Step 8: Sell Your Calendar

Now it’s time to start selling your calendar. You can sell them online, at events, or through your organization’s network. Make sure to have a clear message about what the funds will be used for and how the calendar supports your organization’s mission.

Step 9: Track Your Progress

Throughout your fundraising campaign, make sure to track your progress. Keep a record of how many calendars you’ve sold and how much money you’ve raised. This will help you determine if you need to adjust your strategy or pricing to meet your fundraising goals.

Step 10: Say Thank You

Finally, make sure to thank everyone who supported your calendar fundraiser. Send a thank-you note or email to everyone who purchased a calendar or helped promote your fundraiser. This will help build goodwill and encourage people to support your organization in the future.


A calendar fundraiser can be a fun and effective way to raise funds for your organization. By following these steps, you can plan and execute a successful calendar fundraiser in 2024. Remember to set clear goals, choose a theme, gather photos and information, design and print your calendar, set your price, promote your calendar, sell your calendar, track your progress, and say thank you. Good luck!

Question and Answer

Q: How much money can a calendar fundraiser raise?

A: The amount of money a calendar fundraiser can raise depends on a variety of factors, including the size of your organization, the size of your target audience, and the price of your calendars. However, many organizations are able to raise thousands of dollars through a calendar fundraiser.

Q: Can a calendar fundraiser be done online?

A: Yes, a calendar fundraiser can be done online. There are many online printing services that can print and ship your calendars to customers. Additionally, you can sell your calendars through your organization’s website or social media channels.

Q: How long does it take to plan and execute a calendar fundraiser?

A: The amount of time it takes to plan and execute a calendar fundraiser depends on the size and complexity of your fundraiser. However, it’s a good idea to start planning at least six months in advance to give yourself enough time to gather photos and information, design and print your calendar, and promote and sell your calendars.

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