How To Mass Delete Events In Iphone Calendar 2024

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How to Delete Calendar Events on iPhone! YouTube from


Are you someone who uses their iPhone calendar frequently? Do you find it difficult to manage all the events on your calendar? If your answer is yes, then you’re not alone. It can be a daunting task to delete multiple events from your iPhone calendar. In this article, we’ll guide you on how to mass delete events in iPhone calendar 2024.

Why Do You Need to Mass Delete Events?

There could be various reasons why you might want to mass delete events from your iPhone calendar. One of the primary reasons could be to clear up clutter. If you have too many events on your calendar, it can be difficult to keep track of important events. Another reason could be to start fresh. If you’re starting a new project or a new phase of your life, you might want to clear your calendar and start anew.

Question: How can I select multiple events to delete?

The first step in mass deleting events from your iPhone calendar is to select multiple events. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Open the Calendar app on your iPhone.
  2. Select the calendar that contains the events you want to delete.
  3. Tap on “Edit” in the top right corner of the screen.
  4. Select the events you want to delete by tapping on the circle icon next to each event. A checkmark will appear on the circle icon when an event is selected.

Question: How can I delete the selected events?

Now that you have selected the events you want to delete, the next step is to delete them. Here’s how:

  1. Tap on “Delete” at the bottom of the screen.
  2. You’ll be prompted to confirm the deletion. Tap on “Delete Events” to confirm.
  3. The selected events will be deleted from your iPhone calendar.


Managing your iPhone calendar can be a breeze once you know how to mass delete events. Whether you’re clearing clutter or starting anew, deleting multiple events can help you stay organized. Follow the steps mentioned in this article to mass delete events in your iPhone calendar 2024.

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