How To Remove Calendar Spam 2024

How to Remove Calendar Spam on iPhone or iPad Saint
How to Remove Calendar Spam on iPhone or iPad Saint from


As we enter the year 2024, we are faced with a new kind of spam that has been plaguing our calendars. This spam involves fake events being added to our calendars, which can be quite frustrating and intrusive. But fear not, as there are ways to remove this calendar spam and prevent it from happening again.

What is Calendar Spam?

Calendar spam is a type of spam that involves fake events being added to your calendar without your consent. This can include events for fake products, services, or even events that contain malicious links. These events can clutter your calendar and make it difficult to manage your schedule.

How Does Calendar Spam Happen?

Calendar spam can happen in a number of ways. One common way is through phishing emails that contain links to add fake events to your calendar. Another way is through apps that have access to your calendar and add events without your knowledge. It’s important to be cautious when clicking on links or granting access to apps.

How to Remove Calendar Spam

If you have already fallen victim to calendar spam, there are ways to remove it. The first step is to go to your calendar and find the spam event. Once you have located the event, you can simply delete it. However, this may not be enough to prevent future spam.

How to Prevent Future Calendar Spam

To prevent future calendar spam, there are a few steps you can take. First, be cautious when clicking on links or granting access to apps. Only click on links from trusted sources and carefully review app permissions before granting access to your calendar. Second, you can turn off automatic event adding in your calendar settings. This will require you to manually add events, but it will prevent spam from being automatically added to your calendar.

Question and Answer

Q: Can calendar spam be harmful to my device?

A: Yes, calendar spam can be harmful to your device. Some spam events may contain malicious links that can infect your device with malware or viruses. It’s important to be cautious when clicking on links and to delete any suspicious events.

Q: What should I do if I receive calendar spam?

A: If you receive calendar spam, the first step is to delete the event from your calendar. You can also mark it as spam to prevent similar events from being added in the future. It’s important to be cautious when clicking on links or granting access to apps to prevent future spam.

Q: Can I report calendar spam?

A: Yes, you can report calendar spam to your email provider or calendar app. They may be able to take action to prevent future spam from occurring.


Calendar spam can be frustrating and intrusive, but it’s important to take steps to prevent it from happening. By being cautious when clicking on links or granting access to apps, and turning off automatic event adding in your calendar settings, you can protect yourself from future spam. And if you do receive calendar spam, remember to delete the event and be cautious in the future.

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