How To Share A Samsung Calendar 2024

A Complete Guide to Samsung Calendar Calendar
A Complete Guide to Samsung Calendar Calendar from


If you’re using a Samsung phone or tablet, you may have noticed that it comes with a built-in calendar app. This app is a great way to keep track of your schedule, appointments, and events. However, did you know that you can also share your calendar with others? Sharing your calendar can be useful for keeping family members, friends, or coworkers informed about your schedule, and it’s easy to do. In this article, we’ll guide you through the steps to share your Samsung calendar in 2024.

Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Open Your Calendar App

The first thing you need to do is open your calendar app on your Samsung device. You can find it by searching for the app on your device or by looking for the calendar icon on your home screen.

Step 2: Add a New Event

Next, you need to add a new event to your calendar. To do this, click on the “+” symbol at the bottom-right corner of your screen. Then, enter the details of your event, such as the title, date, time, and location.

Step 3: Invite Guests

Once you’ve added your new event, click on the “Invite Guests” option. This will allow you to invite people to your event and share your calendar with them. You can add their email addresses or select them from your contacts list.

Step 4: Choose Permissions

After you’ve added your guests, you need to select the permissions you want to give them. You can choose to give them permission to view your calendar, edit your calendar, or both. You can also choose to send them a notification when you make changes to your calendar.

Step 5: Send the Invitation

When you’re ready, click on the “Send” button to send the invitation to your guests. They will receive an email with all the details of your event and a link to your calendar.


1. Can I share my Samsung calendar with someone who doesn’t have a Samsung device?

Yes, you can share your Samsung calendar with anyone who has an email address. They don’t need to have a Samsung device to view your calendar.

2. Can I share my Samsung calendar with multiple people?

Yes, you can share your Samsung calendar with as many people as you want. Just add their email addresses or select them from your contacts list.

3. Can I revoke someone’s access to my Samsung calendar?

Yes, you can revoke someone’s access to your Samsung calendar at any time. Just go to your calendar settings and remove their permission to view or edit your calendar.

4. Can someone else edit my Samsung calendar?

Yes, if you give them permission to do so. You can choose to give someone permission to edit your calendar, view your calendar, or both.

5. Can I share my Samsung calendar with someone for a limited time?

Yes, you can choose to share your Samsung calendar with someone for a specific time period. Just set the start and end dates for their permission to view or edit your calendar.


Sharing your Samsung calendar can be a great way to keep others informed about your schedule. Whether you’re sharing it with family members, friends, or coworkers, it’s easy to do. Just follow these simple steps and you’ll be sharing your calendar in no time.

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