May 2024 Moon Phase Calendar 2024

Moon Phases
Moon Phases from

May 2024 Moon Phase Calendar 2024


May 2024 is an exciting month for moon enthusiasts as it brings several important lunar events. This article will discuss the moon phase calendar for May 2024 and provide some insights on what to expect during this month.

Moon Phase Calendar

May 2024 will start with a Waxing Crescent phase on May 1st, which will gradually progress towards a Full Moon on May 11th. The Full Moon will be followed by a Waning Gibbous phase on May 12th, which will gradually progress towards a Last Quarter phase on May 19th. The Last Quarter phase will be followed by a Waning Crescent phase on May 26th, which will eventually lead to a New Moon on May 31st.

What is a Full Moon?

A Full Moon occurs when the moon is on the opposite side of the Earth from the Sun, with the Earth in between. This means that the entire illuminated side of the moon is visible from Earth. A Full Moon is a spectacular sight and is often associated with mystical and magical events.

Question: Can a Full Moon affect human behavior?

There is no scientific evidence to suggest that a Full Moon can directly affect human behavior. However, some studies have shown that there may be a slight increase in hospital admissions, accidents, and crimes during a Full Moon. This could be due to the brightness of the moon affecting our sleep patterns or the fact that Full Moons tend to occur during weekends or holidays when people are more likely to engage in risky behaviors.

What is a New Moon?

A New Moon occurs when the moon is positioned between the Earth and the Sun, with the side of the moon facing the Earth being completely dark. This means that the moon is not visible from Earth. A New Moon is often associated with new beginnings and is a good time to set intentions and start new projects.

Question: Does a New Moon have any impact on astrology?

Yes, a New Moon is a significant event in astrology as it marks the beginning of a new lunar cycle. It is a good time to set intentions and make plans for the future. Astrologers believe that the energy of the New Moon can help us manifest our desires and achieve our goals.


May 2024 is a month full of lunar events, from the Waxing Crescent to the Full Moon, all the way to the New Moon. Whether you are a moon enthusiast or just curious about the moon’s impact on our lives, this is a month worth paying attention to.

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