Meri Meri Nativity Advent Calendar 2024

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The Meri Meri Nativity Advent Calendar 2024 is a beautiful and unique advent calendar that is perfect for the holiday season. It features 24 different compartments, each with a different character from the nativity scene. The calendar is made of high-quality materials and is sure to become a family heirloom that can be enjoyed for years to come.

What is an Advent Calendar?

An advent calendar is a special calendar used to count down the days of Advent in anticipation of Christmas. Traditionally, advent calendars feature 24 small doors or compartments, each hiding a small gift or surprise.

What Makes the Meri Meri Nativity Advent Calendar 2024 Unique?

The Meri Meri Nativity Advent Calendar 2024 is unique because it features characters from the nativity scene instead of the typical holiday images like snowmen or Santa Claus. This makes it a great way to celebrate the true meaning of Christmas with your family.

Design and Quality

The design of the Meri Meri Nativity Advent Calendar 2024 is beautiful and intricate. Each compartment features a different character from the nativity scene, including Mary, Joseph, and the baby Jesus. The calendar is made of high-quality materials, including sturdy cardboard and glitter accents.

The attention to detail in the design of this calendar is impressive. Each character is beautifully illustrated and the glitter accents add a touch of sparkle that makes the calendar feel even more special.

How Easy is it to Use?

The Meri Meri Nativity Advent Calendar 2024 is very easy to use. Simply open the compartment for each day of Advent to reveal the character inside. The compartments are the perfect size for small treats or gifts, making it a fun way to count down the days until Christmas.

Price and Value

The Meri Meri Nativity Advent Calendar 2024 is priced at $49.99, which may seem steep for an advent calendar. However, when you consider the high-quality materials and beautiful design, it is clear that this calendar is worth the investment.

Will it Last for Years to Come?

The Meri Meri Nativity Advent Calendar 2024 is made of high-quality materials that are sure to last for years to come. The sturdy cardboard and glitter accents ensure that the calendar will withstand daily use and remain in excellent condition even after multiple holiday seasons.


The Meri Meri Nativity Advent Calendar 2024 is a beautiful and unique way to celebrate the holiday season. Its high-quality materials, intricate design, and focus on the true meaning of Christmas make it a valuable addition to any family’s holiday traditions. While it may be a bit pricey, the investment is worth it for a calendar that will be enjoyed for years to come.

Question and Answer

Q: Can the compartments hold larger gifts or treats?

A: The compartments are fairly small, so they are best suited for small treats or gifts like chocolates or small toys.

Q: Is the calendar easy to hang?

A: Yes, the calendar comes with a small ribbon that can be used to hang it on a wall or door.

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