My Iphone Calendar Is Not Working 2024

How to share events with Calendar for iPhone and iPad iMore
How to share events with Calendar for iPhone and iPad iMore from


As we all know, the iPhone calendar is an essential app that keeps track of our daily schedules, reminders, and appointments. However, if you are facing issues with your iPhone calendar, then it can be frustrating and stressful. The iPhone calendar not working issue is a common problem faced by many users in 2024. In this article, we will discuss some tips and tricks to fix this problem.

Common iPhone Calendar Problems

Before we jump into the solutions, let’s take a look at some of the common iPhone calendar problems:

  • Calendar events not syncing across devices
  • Calendar events disappearing or not showing up
  • Unable to add new events
  • Unable to edit or delete events
  • iPhone calendar crashing or freezing

Q&A: iPhone Calendar Not Working

Here are some common questions and answers related to the iPhone calendar not working issue:

Q: Why is my iPhone calendar not syncing with my other devices?

A: This issue can occur due to several reasons such as poor internet connection, incorrect date and time settings, or outdated software. To fix this issue, make sure that your iPhone and other devices are connected to the internet, and the date and time settings are correct. Also, update your iPhone software to the latest version.

Q: Why are my calendar events disappearing or not showing up?

A: This issue can occur due to several reasons such as incorrect calendar settings, outdated software, or syncing issues. To fix this issue, go to your iPhone settings and check the calendar settings. Also, update your iPhone software to the latest version. If the issue persists, try turning off and on the calendar syncing feature.

Q: Why am I unable to add new events to my iPhone calendar?

A: This issue can occur due to several reasons such as incorrect calendar settings or outdated software. To fix this issue, go to your iPhone settings and check the calendar settings. Also, update your iPhone software to the latest version. If the issue persists, try restarting your iPhone.

Tips and Tricks to Fix iPhone Calendar Not Working Issue

Here are some tips and tricks to fix the iPhone calendar not working issue:

  • Check your internet connection and date and time settings
  • Update your iPhone software to the latest version
  • Turn off and on the calendar syncing feature
  • Restart your iPhone
  • Delete and reinstall the calendar app
  • Reset your iPhone to factory settings


The iPhone calendar not working issue can be frustrating and stressful, but with these tips and tricks, you can easily fix the problem. Make sure to follow the steps carefully and always keep your iPhone software up to date. If the issue persists, contact Apple support for further assistance.

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