Next Full Moon 2024 Calendar 2024

Full Moon 2024 Calendar with 12 full moons FullMoonology
Full Moon 2024 Calendar with 12 full moons FullMoonology from


Have you ever wondered when the next full moon will occur in 2024? Look no further because we have all the information you need! In this article, we will discuss the upcoming full moon dates for 2024, what a full moon is, its effects on us, and some interesting facts about it.

What is a Full Moon?

A full moon occurs when the moon is completely illuminated by the sun’s light, and it appears as a bright, round object in the night sky. This happens once every 29.5 days, and each full moon has its name based on the season or month it occurs in.

When Will the Next Full Moon Occur in 2024?

The next full moon in 2024 will occur on May 14 at 3:16 PM UTC. This full moon is known as the Flower Moon, which symbolizes the blooming of flowers in the spring season.

Effects of Full Moon on Us

Many people believe that the full moon has a significant impact on our emotions, behavior, and overall well-being. Some even claim that it can cause sleeplessness, mood swings, and increased energy levels. However, there is no scientific evidence to support these claims.

Interesting Facts About the Full Moon

Did you know that the full moon has been associated with many myths and legends throughout history? It has been considered a symbol of fertility, madness, and even werewolves. Additionally, the full moon has been the subject of many famous songs, poems, and artwork.

Q&A: Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How Often Does the Full Moon Occur?

A: The full moon occurs once every 29.5 days, or approximately once a month.

Q: What is the Meaning Behind the Name “Flower Moon”?

A: The Flower Moon is named after the blooming of flowers in the spring season.

Q: Is There Any Scientific Evidence to Support the Effects of Full Moon on Us?

A: No, there is no scientific evidence to support the claims that the full moon has a significant impact on our emotions, behavior, or overall well-being.

Q: What Are Some Interesting Facts About the Full Moon?

A: The full moon has been associated with many myths and legends throughout history, including werewolves and fertility. It has also been the subject of many famous songs, poems, and artwork.


The next full moon in 2024 will occur on May 14, and it is known as the Flower Moon. While there is no scientific evidence to support the claims of its effects on us, the full moon remains a symbol of wonder and fascination for many. We hope this article has provided you with all the information you need about the next full moon in 2024 and some interesting facts about it.

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