Oak Park Ice Arena Calendar 2024

Oak Park Ice Arena Ice Hockey, public skates MI
Oak Park Ice Arena Ice Hockey, public skates MI from oakparkarena.com


The Oak Park Ice Arena is a popular destination for ice skating enthusiasts in the United States. As we gear up for the year 2024, it’s important to stay up-to-date on the arena’s calendar of events, so you don’t miss out on any exciting opportunities to hit the ice. In this article, we’ll cover everything you need to know about the Oak Park Ice Arena calendar for 2024, including news, tips, reviews, and tutorials.

What’s New for 2024?

There are several exciting events on the Oak Park Ice Arena calendar for 2024. Some of the highlights include:

  • The Winter Classic Hockey Tournament
  • The Figure Skating Championships
  • The Ice Dancing Extravaganza

Whether you’re a hockey fan or a figure skating enthusiast, there’s something for everyone at the Oak Park Ice Arena in 2024.

Tips for Skating at the Oak Park Ice Arena

If you’re planning to hit the ice at the Oak Park Ice Arena in 2024, there are a few tips you should keep in mind:

  • Dress warmly: The arena can get chilly, so make sure to wear warm layers.
  • Bring your own skates: While the arena does offer rental skates, bringing your own will ensure a better fit and more comfortable experience.
  • Arrive early: Popular events can get crowded, so arriving early will ensure you have plenty of time to skate and enjoy the festivities.

Reviews from Skaters

We reached out to skaters who have visited the Oak Park Ice Arena in the past to get their thoughts on the experience. Here’s what they had to say:

“The Oak Park Ice Arena is one of my favorite places to skate. The ice is always well-maintained, and the staff is friendly and helpful.”

– Sarah T., Skater

“I love attending events at the Oak Park Ice Arena. The atmosphere is always electric, and the crowds are so enthusiastic.”

– Jason P., Hockey Fan

Tutorials for Skaters

If you’re new to skating or looking to improve your skills, the Oak Park Ice Arena offers a variety of tutorials and classes. Some of the most popular options include:

  • Beginner Skating Lessons
  • Figure Skating Classes
  • Hockey Clinics

Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced skater, there’s always room for improvement. Taking a class at the Oak Park Ice Arena can help you hone your skills and take your skating to the next level.


Q: What is the cost of skating at the Oak Park Ice Arena?

A: The cost of skating at the Oak Park Ice Arena varies depending on the time of day and the day of the week. Generally, prices range from $5-$10 per session.

Q: Do I need to bring my own skates?

A: While the arena does offer rental skates, bringing your own will ensure a better fit and more comfortable experience.

Q: Can I sign up for skating lessons?

A: Yes, the Oak Park Ice Arena offers a variety of skating lessons and classes. Check the calendar of events for more information.

Q: Is the arena open year-round?

A: Yes, the Oak Park Ice Arena is open year-round, with a calendar of events that changes regularly.

Q: Can I bring my own food and drinks?

A: Outside food and drinks are not allowed inside the arena, but there is a concession stand that sells snacks and beverages.

Q: What is the best time to visit the Oak Park Ice Arena?

A: The best time to visit depends on your preferences. If you’re looking for a lively atmosphere and exciting events, check the calendar for upcoming competitions and tournaments. If you prefer a quiet, more relaxed experience, consider visiting during off-peak hours.


The Oak Park Ice Arena is a beloved destination for ice skating enthusiasts across the United States. Whether you’re a seasoned skater or a beginner, there’s something for everyone on the calendar of events for 2024. Be sure to dress warmly, arrive early, and bring your own skates to ensure a comfortable and enjoyable experience. We hope this article has given you all the information you need to plan your next visit to the Oak Park Ice Arena.

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