Raid Calendar Pokemon Go 2024

Pokemon Go Has A Hidden Raid Mechanic
Pokemon Go Has A Hidden Raid Mechanic from


If you are a Pokémon GO fanatic, you know that raid battles are a significant part of the game. Raid battles are where trainers team up to battle and catch rare and powerful Pokémon. To make sure you don’t miss out on any raid battles, you need to have a raid calendar. In this article, we will discuss the raid calendar Pokémon GO for the year 2024.

What is a Raid Calendar?

A raid calendar is an essential tool for Pokémon GO players. It is a schedule of all the upcoming raid battles that trainers can participate in. The calendar includes the date, time, and location of the raid battles. A raid calendar helps trainers plan their gameplay and ensure they don’t miss out on any rare Pokémon.

Why is the Raid Calendar Important?

The raid calendar is crucial for Pokémon GO players who want to participate in raid battles. If you miss a raid battle, you could miss out on catching a rare and powerful Pokémon. The raid calendar ensures that trainers are aware of all the upcoming battles and can plan their gameplay accordingly.

What to Expect in 2024 Raid Calendar

The 2024 raid calendar is expected to include some exciting new raid battles. Niantic, the company behind Pokémon GO, is constantly adding new features to the game to keep players engaged. Trainers can expect to see new legendary Pokémon, new raid bosses, and more challenging battles in the 2024 raid calendar.

How to Access the Raid Calendar

The raid calendar is accessible through the Pokémon GO app. Trainers can access the calendar by clicking on the Raid tab in the app. The calendar will display all the upcoming raid battles in your area. Trainers can also access the raid calendar through the official Pokémon GO website.


Q: How often is the raid calendar updated?

A: The raid calendar is updated regularly, usually every week. Trainers should check the calendar regularly to ensure they don’t miss any upcoming raid battles.

Q: Can I participate in raid battles outside my area?

A: Yes, trainers can participate in raid battles outside their area. However, they will need to travel to the location of the raid battle. This can be expensive and time-consuming, so it’s essential to plan accordingly.

Q: How do I know if a raid battle is worth participating in?

A: The raid calendar will display the raid boss for each battle. Trainers can research the raid boss to determine if it’s worth participating in. Some raid bosses are rarer and more powerful than others, so it’s essential to do your research before participating in a raid battle.


The raid calendar Pokémon GO 2024 is an essential tool for trainers who want to participate in raid battles. The calendar includes all the upcoming raid battles and ensures that trainers don’t miss any rare and powerful Pokémon. Trainers can access the raid calendar through the Pokémon GO app or website. With the 2024 raid calendar expected to include new legendary Pokémon and more challenging battles, trainers should plan their gameplay accordingly.

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