Ramadan 2024 Calendar Fasting Times 2024

Ramadan Calendar 2021 বাংলাদেশের সেহরি ও ইফতারের সময়সূচি
Ramadan Calendar 2021 বাংলাদেশের সেহরি ও ইফতারের সময়সূচি from bdjobresults.com

What is Ramadan?

Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar and is observed by Muslims worldwide as a month of fasting, prayer, and reflection. It is believed that during this month, the first verses of the Quran were revealed to the Prophet Muhammad.

When is Ramadan in 2024?

Ramadan in 2024 is expected to start on the evening of Tuesday, April 2, and end on the evening of Thursday, May 2. However, the exact dates may vary depending on the sighting of the moon.

What are the fasting times for Ramadan 2024?

The fasting times for Ramadan 2024 will vary depending on your location. However, in general, Muslims fast from sunrise to sunset, abstaining from food, drink, and other physical needs during the day.

Preparing for Ramadan

Before the start of Ramadan, Muslims typically engage in a period of spiritual and physical preparation. This may include increased prayer, reading of the Quran, and acts of charity.

It is also important to prepare physically for the fast, by eating a nutritious and balanced diet, and gradually reducing caffeine and sugar intake in the days leading up to the start of Ramadan.

What to expect during Ramadan

During Ramadan, Muslims typically wake up early in the morning to eat a pre-dawn meal called suhoor, and then fast throughout the day until sunset. In the evenings, they break their fast with a meal called iftar.

It is also common for Muslims to attend special nightly prayers known as taraweeh, which are held in mosques throughout the month of Ramadan.


Can children and elderly people fast during Ramadan?

Children and elderly people are not required to fast during Ramadan, but they may choose to do so if they are physically able. It is important for individuals to consult with their doctor before fasting, especially if they have any health conditions.

What if I am traveling during Ramadan?

If you are traveling during Ramadan, you may be exempt from fasting. However, you may need to make up for the missed fasts at a later time. It is important to consult with your religious leader for guidance on this matter.

What can I do to support my Muslim friends and colleagues during Ramadan?

You can show support for your Muslim friends and colleagues during Ramadan by being respectful of their fasting and prayer schedule, and avoiding scheduling meetings or events during iftar or taraweeh. It is also common to exchange Ramadan greetings and show acts of kindness and charity during this month.


Ramadan is a significant month for Muslims worldwide, and observing the fast is an important part of the faith. By preparing spiritually and physically, and showing support for our Muslim friends and colleagues, we can make the most of this important time.

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