Santa Beard Advent Calendar Craft 2024

Christmas Santa Beard Advent Calendar Super Creative Advent Etsy
Christmas Santa Beard Advent Calendar Super Creative Advent Etsy from


The holiday season is a time for joy, laughter, and spending time with loved ones. One of the best ways to get into the holiday spirit is by crafting festive decorations and ornaments. In 2024, the latest trend in holiday crafting is the Santa Beard Advent Calendar. This fun and easy DIY project is perfect for families, kids, and anyone who loves the holiday season. In this article, we’ll give you a step-by-step guide on how to create your own Santa Beard Advent Calendar, as well as some tips and tricks to make it extra special. Let’s get started!

Materials Needed

Before we start crafting, let’s gather the necessary materials. You’ll need:

  • White cotton balls
  • Red and white felt
  • Glue gun and glue sticks
  • Scissors
  • Black marker
  • String or ribbon
  • Small clothespins
  • Cardboard or foam board

Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Create the Santa Beard

The first step is to create the Santa beard. Cut a piece of red felt into a triangular shape, about 10 inches wide and 15 inches long. Then, cut small pieces of white felt and glue them onto the red felt to create the beard. Finally, glue cotton balls onto the beard to make it look fluffy and white.

Step 2: Create the Calendar

Cut a piece of cardboard or foam board into a rectangular shape, about 20 inches wide and 30 inches long. Divide the board into 24 equal sections, and number them from 1 to 24. Then, cut 24 small pieces of white felt, about 2 inches wide and 3 inches long, and glue them onto the board. These will be the pockets for the advent calendar.

Step 3: Attach the Santa Beard

Glue the Santa beard onto the top of the calendar, leaving enough space for the pockets. Use small clothespins to attach the pockets onto the board, in numerical order.

Step 4: Add the Final Touches

Use a black marker to draw Santa’s face on the top of the beard. You can also add some extra decorations, such as holly leaves or Christmas lights, to make the calendar even more festive. Finally, tie a string or ribbon onto the top of the board, and hang it up in your home!

Tips and Tricks

Here are some tips and tricks to make your Santa Beard Advent Calendar extra special:

  • Fill each pocket with a small toy, candy, or note to make each day of December extra exciting.
  • Use different shades of red and white felt to create a more realistic-looking Santa beard.
  • Add some glitter or sparkly decorations to make the calendar even more festive.
  • Get creative with the shape of the pockets – you can make them into Christmas trees, snowmen, or other holiday shapes.

Question and Answer

Q: Can I use a different color for the Santa beard?

A: Yes! You can use any color you like for the beard. Some people like to use brown or gray felt to create a more realistic-looking beard.

Q: How can I make the pockets more secure?

A: If you’re worried about the pockets falling off, you can reinforce them with some extra glue or tape. You can also sew the pockets onto the board for added security.

Q: Can kids help with this craft?

A: Absolutely! This craft is perfect for kids of all ages. Just make sure to supervise them when using the glue gun and scissors.

Q: How long will this craft take?

A: The Santa Beard Advent Calendar should take about 2-3 hours to complete, depending on your crafting skills and the number of decorations you add.


Creating a Santa Beard Advent Calendar is a fun and festive way to get into the holiday spirit. With some basic materials and a little bit of creativity, you can create a beautiful and unique decoration that your family will treasure for years to come. We hope this article has inspired you to try this fun DIY project, and we wish you a happy and joyful holiday season!

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