See Others Calendar In Outlook 2024

Outlook Calendar 3 Week View Month Calendar Printable
Outlook Calendar 3 Week View Month Calendar Printable from


Outlook is one of the most widely used email and calendar applications. It allows you to manage your schedule and appointments with ease. However, sometimes you may need to access someone else’s calendar, especially if you are working on a project together. In this article, we will show you how to see others’ calendars in Outlook 2024.

Step 1: Sharing Your Calendar

Before you can see someone else’s calendar, you need to make sure that they have shared their calendar with you. To do this, follow these steps:

1. Open Outlook and navigate to the Calendar tab.

2. Right-click on your calendar and select “Properties”.

3. Click on the “Permissions” tab.

4. Click “Add” to add the person whose calendar you want to see.

5. Select the person’s name from the list and click “Add”.

6. Set the permission level to “Reviewer” and click “OK”.

Step 2: Accessing Someone Else’s Calendar

Once someone has shared their calendar with you, you can access it by following these steps:

1. Open Outlook and navigate to the Calendar tab.

2. Click on the “Open Calendar” button.

3. Select “From Address Book”.

4. Select the person’s name from the list and click “OK”.

5. The person’s calendar will now appear alongside your own.


Can I view someone else’s calendar without them knowing?

No, you cannot view someone else’s calendar without their knowledge. They need to share their calendar with you first before you can access it.

Can I edit someone else’s calendar?

It depends on the permission level that the person has given you. If they have given you “Editor” or “Owner” permission, then you can edit their calendar. If they have given you “Reviewer” permission, then you can only view their calendar.

How do I remove someone’s calendar from my view?

To remove someone’s calendar from your view, right-click on their calendar and select “Remove from View”. This will remove their calendar from your calendar view, but you will still be able to access it if they have shared it with you.


Accessing someone else’s calendar in Outlook 2024 is easy as long as they have shared their calendar with you. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can easily view someone else’s calendar alongside your own. Remember to always respect people’s privacy and only view/edit their calendar if they have given you permission to do so.

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