Slack Google Calendar Status Not Working 2024

How to Add Google Calendar to Slack
How to Add Google Calendar to Slack from


Slack and Google Calendar are two of the most popular productivity tools used by businesses worldwide. Slack is a messaging app that allows teams to communicate and collaborate on projects, while Google Calendar is a scheduling tool that helps people keep track of their appointments and deadlines. However, in 2024, users have reported that the Slack Google Calendar status is not working, causing frustration and confusion among teams. In this article, we will explore the reasons behind this issue and provide solutions to help you fix it.

Why is the Slack Google Calendar Status Not Working?

The Slack Google Calendar status not working issue can be caused by several factors. One possible reason is that the integration between Slack and Google Calendar is not set up correctly. Another reason could be that the Slack app or Google Calendar is experiencing technical difficulties. Finally, it is possible that the issue is caused by user error, such as incorrect settings or outdated software.

How to Fix the Slack Google Calendar Status Not Working Issue

If you are experiencing the Slack Google Calendar status not working issue, there are several steps you can take to fix it.

First, check that the integration between Slack and Google Calendar is set up correctly. Make sure that you have granted Slack access to your Google Calendar and that the correct calendar is selected. If this does not work, try disconnecting and reconnecting the integration.

Second, check that both Slack and Google Calendar are up to date. If either app is outdated, it may cause compatibility issues.

Third, check that your settings are correct. Make sure that your status updates are set to show on Slack and that your Google Calendar events are set to show on your status.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can I still use Slack and Google Calendar separately if the integration is not working?

A: Yes, you can still use both apps separately. However, you will not be able to see your Google Calendar events on your Slack status or update your status based on your calendar events.

Q: Why is my Slack Google Calendar status not updating?

A: There are several reasons why your Slack Google Calendar status may not be updating. It could be due to a technical issue with either app, an incorrect setting, or an outdated version of one of the apps.

Q: How do I reconnect the Slack Google Calendar integration?

A: To reconnect the Slack Google Calendar integration, go to your Slack settings and select “Calendar & Status.” Then, click on “Disconnect Calendar” and follow the prompts to reconnect it.


The Slack Google Calendar status not working issue can be frustrating, but it is usually fixable. By following the steps outlined above and checking for updates and correct settings, you should be able to resolve the issue and get back to your productivity in no time.

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