Sync Apple Calendar To Google 2024

Setting Up Google Calendar Sync In Windows 8 With Outlook 2010 And 2013
Setting Up Google Calendar Sync In Windows 8 With Outlook 2010 And 2013 from


Are you tired of manually updating your calendar events on both your Apple and Google calendars? Look no further, as we have a solution for you! In this article, we’ll guide you through the process of syncing your Apple calendar to Google in 2024. This will save you time and effort by automatically updating your events on both platforms.

Step 1: Add Your Google Account to Your Apple Device

The first step in syncing your Apple calendar to Google is to add your Google account to your Apple device. This can be done by going to “Settings”, “Passwords & Accounts”, and then selecting “Add Account”. Choose “Google” and enter your credentials. Your Google account will now be added to your Apple device.

Step 2: Enable Calendar Syncing

Once your Google account is added to your Apple device, you’ll need to enable calendar syncing. Go to “Settings”, “Passwords & Accounts”, and select your Google account. Toggle on the “Calendars” option. This will allow your Apple calendar events to be synced to your Google calendar.

Step 3: Choose Your Default Calendar

Now that you’ve enabled calendar syncing, you’ll need to choose your default calendar. This will determine which calendar events will be synced to Google. To do this, go to “Settings”, “Calendar”, and select “Default Calendar”. Choose the calendar you want to sync with Google.

Step 4: Check Your Sync Settings

It’s important to check your sync settings to ensure that your events are syncing properly. To do this, go to “Settings”, “Calendar”, and select your Google account. Make sure that the “Fetch New Data” option is turned on and that your Google account is set to “Push”. This will ensure that your events are updated in real-time.

Step 5: Enjoy Automatic Calendar Syncing

Congratulations! You’ve successfully synced your Apple calendar to Google in 2024. Now, whenever you add, edit, or delete an event on your Apple calendar, it will automatically update on your Google calendar. This will save you time and effort, and ensure that you never miss an important event.


Q: Will all my events be synced to Google?

A: Yes, all events on your default calendar will be synced to Google. If you have multiple calendars on your Apple device, you’ll need to choose which one you want to sync with Google.

Q: Can I still use my Apple calendar after syncing to Google?

A: Yes, you can still use your Apple calendar after syncing to Google. Any changes you make on your Apple calendar will be automatically updated on your Google calendar.

Q: What happens if I delete an event on my Apple calendar?

A: If you delete an event on your Apple calendar, it will be deleted on your Google calendar as well. This ensures that both calendars are always up-to-date.

Q: Can I sync my Google calendar to Apple?

A: Yes, you can also sync your Google calendar to Apple. Follow the same steps outlined in this article, but select your Google calendar as the default calendar instead.


Syncing your Apple calendar to Google in 2024 is a simple and easy process. By following these steps, you’ll save time and ensure that your events are always up-to-date on both platforms. Remember to check your sync settings and default calendar to ensure that everything is working properly. Happy syncing!

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