Sync Outlook Calendar To Ical 2024

2way sync for Google and Outlook Calendar
2way sync for Google and Outlook Calendar from


If you use both Microsoft Outlook and Apple iCal, you may find it challenging to keep track of your schedule. Fortunately, syncing your Outlook calendar to iCal is easier than you might think. In this article, we’ll guide you through the process of syncing your Outlook calendar to iCal in 2024.

What is iCal?

iCal is a calendar application for Apple devices that allows users to keep track of their schedule. It is a built-in app on macOS and iOS devices. iCal can sync with other calendar apps, such as Google Calendar and Outlook, to ensure that users have all their events in one place.

Why Sync Outlook Calendar to iCal?

Syncing your Outlook calendar to iCal can be beneficial for many reasons. For instance, it can help you keep track of your schedule on your Apple device, even when you’re away from your computer. Additionally, syncing your calendars can help you avoid scheduling conflicts and ensure that you don’t miss any important appointments or meetings.

How to Sync Outlook Calendar to iCal in 2024

To sync your Outlook calendar to iCal in 2024, follow these steps: 1. Open Outlook and go to the File menu. 2. Select Options and click on the Calendar tab. 3. Under the “Calendar Options” section, select “Advanced Options.” 4. Click on the “Export” button and save the file to your computer. 5. Open iCal and go to the File menu. 6. Select “Import” and select the file you just saved from Outlook. 7. Select the calendar you want to import the events to. 8. Click on “Import” and wait for the process to complete.


Q: Can I sync multiple Outlook calendars to iCal?

A: Yes, you can sync multiple Outlook calendars to iCal. To do so, export each calendar separately from Outlook and import them into iCal.

Q: Will syncing my Outlook calendar to iCal delete any events?

A: No, syncing your Outlook calendar to iCal will not delete any events. It will only add events from Outlook to iCal.

Q: Can I sync my iCal calendar to Outlook?

A: Yes, you can sync your iCal calendar to Outlook. To do so, export your iCal calendar and import it into Outlook.


Syncing your Outlook calendar to iCal can help you keep track of your schedule on your Apple device. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can easily sync your Outlook calendar to iCal in 2024. Remember to export each calendar separately if you want to sync multiple calendars.

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