Sync Yahoo Calendar With Google Calendar 2024

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Managing multiple calendars can be a hassle, but luckily there are ways to sync them together. In this article, we will go over how to sync your Yahoo Calendar with your Google Calendar in 2024.

Step 1: Export Yahoo Calendar

The first step is to export your Yahoo Calendar. To do this, log in to your Yahoo account and navigate to the calendar section. From there, click on the gear icon and select “Export” from the dropdown menu.

Choose the date range you want to export and select the file format you prefer. We recommend choosing the .ics format for compatibility with Google Calendar. Once you’ve made your selections, click “Export” and save the file to your computer.

Step 2: Import Yahoo Calendar to Google Calendar

Now that you have your Yahoo Calendar exported, it’s time to import it into Google Calendar. Log in to your Google account and navigate to the calendar section. From there, click on the gear icon and select “Settings” from the dropdown menu.

Next, click on the “Import & Export” tab and select “Select file from your computer” under the “Import” section. Choose the .ics file you exported from Yahoo Calendar and click “Import.”

Step 3: Syncing Your Calendars

Once you’ve imported your Yahoo Calendar into Google Calendar, you’ll want to make sure they stay in sync. To do this, you can set up automatic syncing between the two calendars.

On the same “Import & Export” tab in Google Calendar settings, scroll down to the “Add Calendar” section. Click on the “From URL” option and paste the URL for your Yahoo Calendar. This will allow Google Calendar to automatically update whenever changes are made to your Yahoo Calendar.


Q: Why should I sync my Yahoo Calendar with Google Calendar?

A: Syncing your calendars can make it easier to manage your schedule in one place. It also ensures that you don’t miss any important events or appointments.

Q: Do I need to repeat these steps every year?

A: No, once you’ve set up automatic syncing between your calendars, they should stay in sync without any additional steps.

Q: Can I sync multiple Yahoo Calendars with one Google Calendar?

A: Yes, you can import and sync multiple Yahoo Calendars with one Google Calendar by repeating the steps outlined in this article for each calendar.

By following these steps, you can easily sync your Yahoo Calendar with your Google Calendar in 2024 and beyond. This will make managing your schedule a breeze and ensure that you never miss an important event or appointment.

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